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Autism in a child

 Autism in a child

10Symptoms that indicate that your child has severe autism

1-He likes to watch things spin in a circle or spin them himself
2-Lack of visual communication is the most common symptom for autistic children of all ages.
3-Not responding to sounds by moving the head when calling his name.
4-Not feeling pain like other children
5-Laughing when seeing another person. As for a healthy child he does not laugh   and may start crying
6-Laughing for no reason or crying for no reason
7-Inability to control feelings, for example show joy.
8-Lack of babble, which is the issuance of sounds such as da.da
9-Showing no interest in playing with others.
10-Lack of attention when left with grandparents or relatives, as a healthy child cries to be left. This is often at the age of more than 8 months.
